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General Loan Disbursement

This window enables you to disburse loans that have been approved. After the loan is approved and all other fees (if any) are paid, the loan is then ready for "Disbursement".


1. The corresponding GL accounts should have been defined under the menu System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Loan GL accounts settings part 1.

2. Note that importation of Loan commission is only possible when it is made compulsory under System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees. Other wise the importation feature will not appear under the menu Loans/Loan Importations. Other fees can also be made compulsory before application, before approval, before disbursement and at disbursement.

3. In the Loan Performer menu "System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees", you can define the amount and when the loan fees should be levied. This can be at loan application, before approval, after approval or at loan disbursement. You may also tick the corresponding check boxes to make payment of these fees compulsory.

4. When you decide to levy the loan fees before application by specifying the amounts under the menu "System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees", an additional feature "Loan fees before application"appears in the loans module, otherwise it won't be displayed on the Loan Performer interface.

5. When you decide to levy the loan fees after application by specifying the amounts under the menu "System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees", an additional feature "Loan fees before approval"appears in the loans module, otherwise it won't be displayed on the Loan Performer interface.

6. When you decide to levy the loan fees before disbursement by specifying the amounts under the menu "System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees", an additional feature "Loan fees after approval "appears in the loans module, otherwise it won't be displayed on the Loan Performer interface.

7. When you decide to levy the loan fees during disbursement by specifying the amounts under the menu "System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Fees", the disbursement screen will appear with the amount specified above, otherwise it won't be displayed on the Loan Performer interface.

How do you disburse a loan

To disburse a loan you go to Loans/Disbursement and the following dialog box appears:

Click on the Choose button to select the Loan Number you want to disburse from the grid e.g. "KA/000043". Then click on Next to continue, the following screen appears:  

Transfer to client's bank account: Select this option to transfer the loan to the client's bank account. When this option is selected the following screen appears:


1. When you activate the option "Disbursement to supplier", an additional field "Mark up" appears. This shows you the excess amount that will be booked on the mark up GL account defined under the menu System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Loan GL accounts settings part 1.

2. The mark up is the difference between the loan amount applied for by the client and the amount paid to the supplier. The loan amount disbursed must be greater than the supplier's invoice amount.

3. The loan is disbursed against the supplier's invoice entered under the menu Accounting/Purchases and Sales/Invoices Received. In this case you have to tick the option "Disbursement to supplier" under the menu Loans/Disbursement, it is basically the concept of Disbursement in kind in Loan Performer.

4. The concept of mark up is favorable to Micro Finance Institutions practicing Islamic banking. In this case, MFIs do not charge interest on loans given to clients. Instead, they prefer to disburse the money directly to the supplier of the goods for which the client took the loan. The loan amount disbursed must be greater than the supplier's invoice amount so that the excess amount is booked on the GL account defined above as mark up. This is basically revenue to the institution for the services rendered to the client. However, the client will have to pay back the full loan amount and not only the amount disbursed to the supplier. It is basically the concept of Disbursement in kind in Loan Performer.

4. You will be able to see the mark up amount received on each loan disbursed to a supplier by consulting the report on disbursements under the menu Loans/Portfolio Reports/Disbursement Report.


  • In the example above, the supplier, Gerald Kagimu, supplies goods to the John Opio worth 3,600,000 who applies for a loan of 3,000,000 which is disbursed against the invoice of the supplier nº "KA/00001". That means he has to top up 600,000 from his pocket to settle the full amount of the invoice. If the client has several invoices with the MFI, click on the drop down menu "Invoice nº" to select the invoice you want to pay. The supplier's account number appears automatically whereas you have to click on the drop down menu to select the MFI bank from where the loan amount will be transferred. This credit facility is favorable for institutions that deal in asset lending. For more information see, Loan Disbursement/Disbursements in kind.

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